Give 500 Dosh
Complete a Multiplayer Survival Match
Heal Teammates for 500 HP
Revive a Downed Teammate
Customize a Weapon
Craft a Weapon Mod
Upgrade a Weapon Mod
Upgrade a Weapon Mod to the Max Tier
Execute a Fleshpound
Execute a Scrake
Defeat a Queen Crawler (Normal)
Defeat a Queen Crawler (Hard)
Defeat a Queen Crawler (Hell on Earth)
Defeat the Chimera (Normal)
Defeat the Chimera (Hard)
Defeat the Chimera (Hell on Earth)
Defeat an Impaler (Normal)
Defeat an Impaler (Hard)
Defeat an Impaler (Hell on Earth)
Reach Level 5 with Any Specialist
Reach Level 15 with any Specialist
Reach Level 30 with any Specialist
Upgrade a Specialist Skill
Upgrade a Specialist Skill to the Max Tier
Complete a Story Assignment
Survive a Multiplayer Survival Match
Survive 10 Multiplayer Survival Matches
Survive 25 Multiplayer Survival Matches
Survive a Weekly Operation
Unlock an Armor Locker
Activate a Zipline
Activate a Turret
Use Multitool to Unlock an Item
Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.
Manca ancora molto all’uscita del gioco, eppure CD Projekt Red sta già...
20 Febbraio 2025Stella della Hall of Fame Ottieni tutti i Trofei. Grande Slam della...
20 Febbraio 2025It Took Two Unlock all trophies BFF’s Finally published Bookworms Complete all...
20 Febbraio 2025Era nell’aria da giorni, e finalmente è realtà. The Pokémon Company e...
20 Febbraio 2025
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