Home Videogiochi Guide Killing Floor 3 | Trofei

Killing Floor 3 | Trofei

Spread the Wealth

Give 500 Dosh

Game, Set, Match

Complete a Multiplayer Survival Match

Healing Touch

Heal Teammates for 500 HP

Designated Revivor

Revive a Downed Teammate

Custom Made

Customize a Weapon

In Mod We Trust

Craft a Weapon Mod

Smooth Upgrader

Upgrade a Weapon Mod


Upgrade a Weapon Mod to the Max Tier

Pound of Flesh

Execute a Fleshpound

Scrake, Rattle and Roll

Execute a Scrake

Noble Blood

Defeat a Queen Crawler (Normal)

Royal Flush

Defeat a Queen Crawler (Hard)

Reign Supreme

Defeat a Queen Crawler (Hell on Earth)

Tendril Twister

Defeat the Chimera (Normal)


Defeat the Chimera (Hard)

Chimerical Cure

Defeat the Chimera (Hell on Earth)

Stabbing Pain

Defeat an Impaler (Normal)

Sharp Instincts

Defeat an Impaler (Hard)

A Cut Above

Defeat an Impaler (Hell on Earth)

High Five

Reach Level 5 with Any Specialist

Fifteen and Counting

Reach Level 15 with any Specialist

Thirty is Something

Reach Level 30 with any Specialist

Skill Shift

Upgrade a Specialist Skill

Maximum Potential

Upgrade a Specialist Skill to the Max Tier

Break the Story

Complete a Story Assignment

Survivor Mentality

Survive a Multiplayer Survival Match

Survive Another Day

Survive 10 Multiplayer Survival Matches

Survival of the Fittest

Survive 25 Multiplayer Survival Matches

Weekly Warrior

Survive a Weekly Operation


Unlock an Armor Locker

Zip It Up

Activate a Zipline

Turret Captain

Activate a Turret

Tool Pusher

Use Multitool to Unlock an Item

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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