Home Videogiochi Guide MLB The Show 25 | Trofei

MLB The Show 25 | Trofei

Left It All Out There

Thank you for playing MLB The Show and leaving it all out on the field. – SDS

HOF Worthy

Get any player into the Hall of Fame (MTO, Franchise, or RTTS).

NLB Historian ‘25

Complete three Negro League Storylines.


As a team, get 25 total bases in a single game (excludes simulated gameplay).

Jack of All Settings

In the same game, successfully use each type of hitting interface to get at least one hit with each, and each type of pitching interface to get at least one strikeout with each.

Needs Filled

Sign a Top 10 free agent from your Free Agency Big Board in MTO or Franchise.

Fundamental Baseball

Complete a game, of at least 9 innings, without your team committing an error (excludes simulated gameplay).

Champs Get Degrees

Win the College Baseball Championship (RTTS) (excludes simulated gameplay).

Take it Or Leave It

Sign a player with a last chance contract (March to October and Franchise).

A Show Token a Day…

Earn at least two Show Tokens from a single game in RTTS.

Station to Station

In a single inning, score a run without getting an extra base hit or stealing any bases (excludes simulated gameplay).

Didn’t Even See It

Strike a batter out with a pitch of at least 101 mph.

Going Pro

Get 10 hits using ambush hitting.

Why We Play

Win the World Series in MTO, Franchise, or RTTS (excludes simulated gameplay).

Staying Alive

As a batter, go from an 0-2 count to a 3-2 (full) count (excludes simulated gameplay).

Easy as 1, 2, 3

Throw a 3-pitch strikeout (excludes simulated gameplay).

By Any Means

Successfully drag bunt for a base hit.

First of Many

Reach either of the following milestones in RTTS: First MLB Hit or First MLB Strikeout (excludes simulated gameplay).

Entertain the People

Play in the Home Run Derby (Home Run Derby, RTTS, or Franchise).

Building an Empire

Create a custom team in Franchise or MTO.

Why are You Running?

As an outfielder, throw out a runner with a perfect throw, while the Button Accuracy setting is enabled.

A New Perspective

While in player lock, utilize the first-person camera to make an out.

Womp Womp

While on offense, end an inning with the bases loaded and no runs scored (excludes simulated gameplay).

Fan I Am

Use the Fan Cam to take a look around the stadium.

Play My Way

Save any Custom Game Entry setting in Franchise.

One Job

Steal a base with a pinch runner (excludes simulated gameplay).

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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