Home Videogiochi Trucchi Ak-74u – Call of Duty

Ak-74u – Call of Duty


COSTO BLACK OPS: 2000  CoDPoints.svg , 1200(zombie)
DANNO: 7 /10
PORTATA: 8 /10
MOBILITA’: 10 /10
MUNIZIONI INIZIALI: 90 (Multigiocatore)
MUNIZIONI MAX: 240 (Multigiocatore), 300 (singolo)
TEMPO DI RICARICA:  2.1 sec (carica), 2.8 sec (scarica)
TIPO DI FUOCO: Automatica
USATO DA: Viet Cong, Soviet Armed Forces (Spetsnaz)

AK-74u AK-74fu2
DANNO 120-80 190-140
TIPO DI FUOCO Automatica Automatica
MUNIZIONI MAX 160+20 280+40
TEMPO DI CARICA 2.1 sec , 2.8 sec (scarica) 2.1 sec , 2.8 sec (scarica)
EXTRA Danno elevato, Caricatori capienti,più munizioni, Mirino Red Dot


AK-74u vs AK-74fu2Edit AK-74u vs AK-74fu2 sectionEdit

AK-74u AK-74fu2
Image AK74uBO.jpg AK74upgraded.jpg
Damage 120-80 190-140
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 750
Magazine size 20 40
Max ammo 160+20 280+40
Reload 2.1, 2.8 empty 2.1, 2.8 empty
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo, Red dot sight

MP5k vs MP115 KolliderEdit MP5k vs MP115 Kollider sectionEdit

MP5k MP115 Kollider
Image MP5KBO.jpg MP115 Kollider.jpg
Damage 100-50 140-80
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 750
Magazine size 30 40
Max ammo 120+30 200+40
Reload 2.9, 3.2 empty 2.9, 3.2 empty
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo

MP40 vs The AfterburnerEdit MP40 vs The Afterburner sectionEdit

MP40 The Afterburner
Image MP40kino.png MP40Upgraded.jpg
Damage 100-60 200-120
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 535 535
Magazine size 32 64
Max ammo 192+32 192+64
Reload 2.3, 2.9 empty 2.3, 2.9 empty
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine

MPL vs MPL-LFEdit MPL vs MPL-LF sectionEdit

Image MPLBO.jpg MPL-LF.jpg
Damage 100-60 140-90
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 937 937
Magazine size 24 40
Max ammo 120+24 200+40
Reload 2.25, 3 empty 2.25, 3 empty
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo, Red dot sight

PM63 vs Tokyo and RoseEdit PM63 vs Tokyo and Rose sectionEdit

PM63 Tokyo and Rose
Image PM63BO.jpg PM63Upgraded.jpg
Damage 100-60 140-90
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 937 937
Magazine size 20 25
Max ammo 100+20 225+50
Reload 2.05, 2.85 empty 3, 3.4 empty
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo, Dual wield

Spectre vs PhantomEdit Spectre vs Phantom sectionEdit

Spectre Phantom
Image SpectreBO.jpg SpectreUpgraded.jpg
Damage 90-50 130-80
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 937 937
Magazine size 30 45
Max ammo 120+30 225+45
Reload 2.3, 3 empty 2.3, 3 empty
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo, Reflex

Light Machine GunsEdit Light Machine Guns sectionEdit

HK21 vs H115 OscillatorEdit HK21 vs H115 Oscillator sectionEdit

HK21 H115 Oscillator
Image HK21BO.jpg H115 Oscillator.jpg
Damage 150-110 210-150
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 535 535
Magazine size 125 150
Max ammo 500+125 750+150
Reload 3.75, 4.75 empty 3.75, 4.75 empty
Mobility Low Low
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo

RPK vs R115 ResonatorEdit RPK vs R115 Resonator sectionEdit

RPK R115 Resonator
Image RPK Black Ops.jpg RPKUpgraded.jpg
Damage 130-90 180-130
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 750
Magazine size 100 125
Max ammo 400+100 500+125
Reload 4, 5.5 empty 4, 5.5 empty
Mobility Low Low
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo

Sniper RiflesEdit Sniper Rifles sectionEdit

Dragunov vs D115 DisassemblerEdit Dragunov vs D115 Disassembler sectionEdit

Dragunov D115 Disassembler
Image DragunovBO.jpg DragunovUpgraded.jpg
Damage 300 1000
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 234 max 234 max
Magazine size 10 10
Max ammo 40+10 80+10
Reload 2.95, 3.75 empty 2.95, 3.75 empty
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More damage, more ammo, Variable zoom

L96A1 vs L115 IsolatorEdit L96A1 vs L115 Isolator sectionEdit

L96A1 L115 Isolator
Image L96A1.jpg L115Isolator.jpg
Damage 500 1000
Fire mode Bolt-action Bolt-action
Rate of fire ~60 ~60
Magazine size 5 8
Max ammo 45+5 72+8
Reload 3.3, 3.5 empty 3.3, 3.5 empty
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo, Variable zoom

ShotgunsEdit Shotguns sectionEdit

HS-10 vs Typhoid and MaryEdit HS-10 vs Typhoid and Mary sectionEdit

HS-10 Typhoid and Mary
Image HS-10.jpg TheHS10Upgraded.jpg
Damage 1280 max 2400 max
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 340 max 340 max
Magazine size 6 8
Max ammo 36+6 80+16
Reload 0.567 for each shell 3, 3.4 empty
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo, Dual wield

Olympia vs HadesEdit Olympia vs Hades sectionEdit

Olympia Hades
Image OlympiaBO.jpg HadesWeapon.jpg
Damage 80×8 300×8
Fire mode Double-barrel Double-barrel
Rate of fire 212 max 212 max
Magazine size 2 2
Max ammo 38+2 60+2
Reload 3.3, 3.9 empty 2, 2.5 empty
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, quicker reload, more ammo, Incendiary Rounds/Dragon’s Breath (fire damage)

SPAS-12 vs SPAZ-24Edit SPAS-12 vs SPAZ-24 sectionEdit

Image SPAS12BO.jpg SPAZ12Upgraded.jpg
Damage 1280 max 2400 max
Fire mode Semi-automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 312 max 312
Magazine size 8 24
Max ammo 32+8 72+24
Reload 0.567 for each shell ~1
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, more ammo, reloads in one shell, becomes fully automatic

Stakeout vs RaidEdit Stakeout vs Raid sectionEdit

Stakeout Raid
Image StakeoutBO.jpg StakeoutUpgraded.jpg
Damage 120×8 240×10
Fire mode Pump-action Pump-action
Rate of fire ~70 ~70
Magazine size 6 10
Max ammo 54+6 60+10
Reload 0.567 for each shell 0.567 for each shell (2 shells reloaded at a time)
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, more range, bigger magazine, more ammo, reloads 2 shells at once, Grip

LaunchersEdit Launchers sectionEdit

China Lake vs China BeachEdit China Lake vs China Beach sectionEdit

China Lake China Beach
Image China lake.jpg ChinaLakeUpgraded.jpg
Damage 600 1000
Fire mode Pump-action Pump-action
Rate of fire 60 60
Magazine size 2 5
Max ammo 20+2 40+5
Reload 1 for each grenade 1 for all grenades
Mobility Very Low High
Extras More damage, larger magazine, more ammo, reload all grenades at once, higher mobility, does not need to ADS when firing,faster Pump-action

M72 LAW vs M72 AnarchyEdit M72 LAW vs M72 Anarchy sectionEdit

M72 LAW M72 Anarchy
Image M72LAWBO.jpg M72 LAW PackaPunch.jpg
Damage 2000 3000
Fire mode Single-shot Semi-automatic
Rate of fire N/A 56 max
Magazine size 1 10
Max ammo 20+1 40+10
Reload 3 3
Mobility Very Low High
Extras Higher damage, more ammo, semi-automatic with 10 shot capacity, higher mobility, does not need to ADS when firing

Special WeaponsEdit Special Weapons sectionEdit

Ballistic Knife vs The Krauss RefibrillatorEdit Ballistic Knife vs The Krauss Refibrillator sectionEdit

Ballistic Knife The Krauss Refibrillator
Image Ballisticknife.jpg TheKraussRefribillator.jpg
Damage 500 1000
Fire mode Single-shot Single-shot
Rate of fire N/A N/A
Magazine size 1 1
Max ammo 4+1 9+1
Reload 1.5 0.75
Mobility High High
Extras More damage, more ammo, quicker reload, when a downed player is shot, he/she is revived instantly

Crossbow vs Awful LawtonEdit Crossbow vs Awful Lawton sectionEdit

Crossbow Awful Lawton
Image Crossbowdefault.png CrossbowUpgraded.jpg
Damage 200 – 75 Explosion, 50 Direct Impact 750
Fire mode Single-shot Single-shot
Rate of fire Single-shot then rechamber Single-shot then rechamber
Magazine size 1 1
Max ammo 12+1 12+1
Reload 2.75 2.75
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More damage, takes longer to explode, crossbow bolts act like Monkey bombs, attracting zombies (capable of killing up to six zombies at a time).

Wonder WeaponsEdit Wonder Weapons sectionEdit

Ray Gun vs Porter’s X2 Ray GunEdit Ray Gun vs Porter's X2 Ray Gun sectionEdit

Ray Gun Porter’s X2 Ray Gun
Image RayBO.png Porter's X2 Ray Gun(Black Ops).jpg
Damage 1000 2000
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 181 181
Magazine size 20 40
Max ammo 160+20 200+40
Reload 3 3
Mobility High High
Extras More damage through multipliers, double magazine, more ammo, Sight turns to green, red, yellow, or blue

Thunder Gun vs Zeus CannonEdit Thunder Gun vs Zeus Cannon sectionEdit

Thunder Gun ZeusCannon
Image Thundergun.jpg ThaZeusCannon.jpg
Damage Infinite (will instantly kill any zombie thrown backward) Infinite (will instantly kill any zombie thrown backward)
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 100 max 100 max
Magazine size 2 4
Max ammo 12+2 24+4
Reload 2 empty 2 empty
Mobility High High
Extras More damage, larger area affected, larger magazine, more ammo

Winter’s Howl vs Winter’s FuryEdit Winter's Howl vs Winter's Fury sectionEdit

Winter’s Howl Winter’s Fury
Image WintersHowl.jpg The Winter's Fury.jpg
Damage 0 (any zombie frozen will be weakened greatly) 0 (any zombie frozen will be weakened greatly)
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 181 max 181 max
Magazine size 6 9
Max ammo 30+6 36+9
Reload 3.8 3.8
Mobility High High
Extras Higher damage, larger magazine, freezes more zombies, 1st shot slows affected zombies movement speed, 2nd shot encases affected zombies in a block of ice.

TriviaEdit Trivia sectionEdit

GeneralEdit General sectionEdit

  • Some Pack-a-Punch weapons have the number 115 in their name, a reference to Ununpentium.
  • A few Pack-a-Punch weapons have numbers that stand for letters, a reference to “leet-speak”, a symbolic alphabet that uses a combination of ASCII characters to stand for letters (5 = S, 3 = E, |-| = H, etc.).

WeaponsEdit Weapons sectionEdit

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Filippo Giaccaglia

Faccio video nel tempo libero, creo video per lavoro e la mia passione è fare video. Credo che si sia capito cosa mi piace fare.

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