Home Videogiochi Guide Boti: Byteland Overclocked | Trofei

Boti: Byteland Overclocked | Trofei

Boti: Byteland Oveclocked

Get All the Trophies

Welcome to Chipset

Complete Boti’s integration

Clock Up

Complete level 1

Tripping Down Memory Lane

Complete level 2

Port in a Storm

Complete level 3

The Show Must Log On

Complete level 4

Biggest Fans

Complete level 5

A Good Bot is Hard to Find

Complete level 6

Current Affairs

Complete level 7

All Codes Lead to Home

Complete ‘Boti: Byteland Overclocked’

Beyond Infinity

Release the workbots from their infinite loop in level 1


Wake up three sleeping workbots in level 1

27 Lives

Rescue all three missing cat-bots in level 2

The Wormcatcher Chronicles

Experience the complete saga of the Wormcatcher

The Coulombot Files

Listen to all of Coulombot’s analyses

The Maestro

Gather all the sliding trophies

Cat Thief

Finish a level with a cat on your head

Get over here

Pull your friend with hooking

ITZ OVER 9000!

Collect more than 9000 MB in one level

Evil twin

Throw your coop buddy to his deletion

Deaf Virtuozo

Slide without hitting even a single note


Speak with all rumour CityBots in the world

Real estate baron

Buy all HUB extensions

Double trouble

Beat the game in multi


Finish a lap in your private hovertrack

Skin Savant

Unlock 5 skins

Master of Aesthetics

Unlock 15 skins

Fashionista Extraordinaire

Unlock 25 skins

ZIP Anihilator

Destroy 250 ZIP files

ZIP Obliterator

Destroy 500 ZIP files

ZIP Demolisher

Destroy 1000 ZIP files

Botcoin Hunter

Find 5 Botcoins

Botcoin Seeker

Find 30 Botcoins

Botcoin Master

Find 45 Botcoins

Treasure Tracker

Collect 5 treasure chests

Treasure Connoisseur

Collect 25 treasure chests

Treasure Hoarder

Collect 45 treasure chests

Star Scorer

Achieve 3 stars in one level

Constellation Champion

Achieve 3 stars in three levels

Stellar Perfectionist

Achieve 3 stars in all levels

Worm Eradicator

Delete 10 worms

Worm Annihilator

Delete 100 worms

Worm Terminator

Delete 250 worms

Guardbot Vanquisher

Delete 10 guardbots

Guardbot Demolisher

Delete 100 guardbots

Guardbot Eradicator

Delete 250 guardbots

The Great Conqueror

Defeat Trojan Horse

Byteland Hero

Defeat The Glitcher

Flawless Run

Finish a level without respawning

Unyielding Perfection

Finish all levels without respawning

Dumpster Diver

Jump into a rubbish bin

Sandy Rampage

Punch a sand castle

Cinematic Aficionado

Complete all levels without skipping a single cutscene

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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