Il sito CODTracker, dopo i leak di ieri, ha diffuso l’intera lista dei Trofei (o Achievement) di Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, il nuovo capitolo della serie sparatutto in uscita il 13 novembre su Xbox Series X|S, PS4, Xbox One e PC, e il 19 novembre su PS5.
La lista è per il momento disponibile solamente in lingua inglese, ma possiamo comunque ricavare alcune informazioni utili.
Per quanto riguarda la modalità Zombies, ad esempio, abbiamo le prime indicazioni sul potenziale Easter Egg della mappa Die Maschine, la prima mappa della nuova Storia Etere Oscuro che espanderà l’ambientazione storica di Nacht der Untoten.
Il trofeo in questione parla infatti di una fenditura da chiudere, il che potrebbe avere collegamenti con le imprevedibili conseguenze dei fatti di Tag der Toten su questo nuovo universo in cui Keepers e Apothicon sono collassati insieme a tutto il resto.
Nessuna indicazione per ora su possibili Trofei escusivi per PS4 e PS5, le uniche due piattaforme, per un anno circa, che potranno godere della modalità Zombies Onslaught esclusiva.
I trofei riguardano inoltre la campagna single player (fate sempre attenzione ai potenziali spoiler) e anche il comparto multigiocatore classico, con alcuni obiettivi come vincere 40 partite multiplayer.
Vi lasciamo alla lista completa dei trofei.
Combat Recruit
Complete the single player Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 30

Combat Hardened
Complete the single player Campaign on Veteran or Realism difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 100

Nowhere Left to Run
Complete Nowhere Left to Run in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Fracture Jaw
Complete Fracture Jaw in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Brick in the Wall
Complete Brick in the Wall in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Redlight, Greenlight
Complete Redlight, Greenlight in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Echoes of a Cold War
Complete Echoes of a Cold War in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Desperate Measures
Complete Desperate Measures in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

End of the Line
Complete End of the Line in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Break on Through
Complete Break on Through in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

The Final Countdown
Complete The Final Countdown in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Ashes to Ashes
Complete Ashes to Ashes in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Complete Chaos Side Mission in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Red Circus
Complete Red Circus Side Mission in Campaign on any difficulty.
- Gamerscore: 15

Firing Range
Shoot all of the targets on Main Street during Amerika.
- Gamerscore: 15

Keep Your Friends Close
Perform Body Shield 5 Times.
- Gamerscore: 15

Patriot Arrow
Kill an enemy with the secret weapon while ziplining during Yamantau.
- Gamerscore: 30

Mind Trip
See all 7 memory endings and playthrough all 4 path ends in Prisoner.
- Gamerscore: 30

Explosive Finish
Kill 12 enemies with explosive barrels while riding the server lift during Yamantau.
- Gamerscore: 15

Kill 25 enemies with the AC-130 during the rooftop defend.
- Gamerscore: 15

The Red Door
Disobeyed Adler’s order to go through the door.
- Gamerscore: 15

Jack of All Trades
Get 5 kills each with an LMG, SMG, AR, and a Shotgun.
- Gamerscore: 15

Old Faithful
Killed 200 enemies with an AR.
- Gamerscore: 15

Scorched Earth
Destroy all enemy vehicles and mortar teams while defending Firebase Ripcord.
- Gamerscore: 15

Scorched Earth II
Blow up all trucks and guard towers on the approach to the monastery.
- Gamerscore: 30

The Fixer
Get 200 Eliminations in Multiplayer.
- Gamerscore: 15

Party Patrol
Get 10 squad wipe medals in Fireteam.
- Gamerscore: 30

Mean Machine
Get 100 Kills as the driver, pilot, or passenger of a vehicle in Multiplayer.
- Gamerscore: 90

Go the Distance
Win 50 matches of Multiplayer.
- Gamerscore: 30

Calling It In
Get 50 kills with lethal Scorestreaks in Multiplayer.
- Gamerscore: 30

Heavy Metal
In Die Maschine, forge the Pack-A-Punch machine.
- Gamerscore: 15

Carpe D.I.E.M.
In Die Maschine, free the lost Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine.
- Gamerscore: 15

Seal the Deal
In Die Maschine, close the rift.
- Gamerscore: 30

Two Birds, One Stone
In Die Maschine, kill the two split Megatons with one shot.
- Gamerscore: 15

In Zombies, upgrade a skill
- Gamerscore: 15

Six Pack
In Zombies, upgrade 6 Perk Skills to Tier III
- Gamerscore: 15

Nightmare at 20 feet
In Die Maschine, kill 100 enemies without leaving the top of the crashed plane wing
- Gamerscore: 30

In Die Maschine, stay in the Yard for 15 rounds
- Gamerscore: 30

In Die Maschine, craft 14 different types of items in one match.
- Gamerscore: 30

Fowl Five Piece
Get a chain of 5 chickens strung together in Dead Ops Arcade.
- Gamerscore: 15

Survive the Wild
Escaped from the deep dark Wild.
- Gamerscore: 15

Reunited with Fidolina
Defeated the Momaback and saved your dear friend.
- Gamerscore: 15

Forever Fated
Found your destiny in the Room of Fate.
- Gamerscore: 15

Dungeon Diver
Visit every corner of a Deadly Dungeon.
- Gamerscore: 30

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