Home Videogiochi Guide Destino Indomable | Trofei

Destino Indomable | Trofei

Destino Indomable

Get all trophies

What’s your name?

Choose your two telenovela names

Your Telenovela

Forget your lines and enrage a handsome actor

I Love Chisme

Listen to a juicy gossip

A Wild Beginning

Finish the first telenovela episode

Ayayay! Caliente!

Fail your cooking tasks

A Shocking Finale!

Fail your gardening tasks

El Alma de la Fiesta

Accept Don Ramiro’s invitation

I Better Stay

Refuse Don Ramiro’s invitation

A Magical Night?

Finish the second telenovela episode

El Testamento

Read Carlota’s best-kept secret

Not My Brightest Idea

Be a hero and try to save Santi

Good Boy!

Call your best friend during a critical moment

My Lowest Point

Finish the third telenovela episode

The Best Medicine

Hear a cruel revelation from an unconventional source

You’re with San Macareno Now

Finish the fourth telenovela episode

The Latino Prince

Finish Don Ramiro’s route

Ride into the Sunset

Finish Gabriel’s route

Who Needs These People?

Get away with Rosita

My Prayers Were Answered

Finish Rosita’s route

My Dearest Amigo

Finish Jorge’s route


Watch Jorge go through a horrible experience

The Purest of Hearts

Finish Rocko’s route

Unforgivable Darkness

There’s no salvation for Rocko

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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