Home Videogiochi Guide Doraemon Dorayaki Shop Story | Trofei

Doraemon Dorayaki Shop Story | Trofei

The Truly Marvelous Award

Mastering “Doraemon Dorayaki Shop Story.”

Time to Show Off!

Proof of Receiving a Doraemon Statue

Thank You!

Proof of Long-Term Dorayaki Shop Management

Welcome to Dorayaki Land!

Proof of Reaching Rank 10

Revolutionizing the Dorayaki Shop

Proof of Reaching Rank 7

Breaking Dorayaki Boundaries

Proof of Reaching Rank 5

Getting the Hang of the Dorayaki Shop

Proof of Reaching Rank 3

Born for Business

Proof of First Rank Up

The One and Only Champion

Proof of Achieving World Ranking #1

Top 3!

Proof of Achieving Top 3 in Sales Rankings

A True Collector

Proof of Acquiring All Secret Gadgets

How Many Gadgets Do You Know?

Proof of Acquiring 20 Types of Secret Gadgets

Sweets Lover!

Proof of Making All Sweets

Hehe, Caught You!

Proof of All F Characters Becoming Customers

How Did You Guess!?

Proof of Serving a Customer’s Desired Sweet

Quite the Savvy Trader

Proof of Conquering Business Trip Shops

A Dinosaur Egg, Indeed!

Proof of Pisuke’s Birth

Your Victory…

Proof of Defeating the First Obstacle

A Natural at Sweet Making

Proof of Making Sweets for the First Time

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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