Home Videogiochi Guide Fate: Reawakened | Trofei

Fate: Reawakened | Trofei

Champion of Fate

Collect all trophies


Identify 10 items

Happy Pet, Happy Owner

Feed your pet 5 different fish

Treasure Hunter

Open 20 chests

Hardworking Hero

Complete 10 side quests

A spell for all occasions

Learn 5 spells

Let greed take over

Loot 100,000 gold

Strategic Retreat

Use a town portal with less than 10% health left

Cheating Death

Choose your FATE

Gather ‘round

Kill 5 enemies at the same time

Swift Victory

Kill 10 enemies in 45 seconds

I might have a problem

Gamble 30 times

Upgraded Weaponry

Find and use a Magic Anvil

Monster Hunter

Defeat 100 enemies

I choose you!

Summon 6 different monsters

There’s no I in team

Let your pet kill enemies 25 times.

Master Angler

Catch all types of fish

The road goes on

Create a descendant

All the Shinies

Loot every type of gem

The Undying

Reach level 20 with a hardcore character

Versatile Slayer

Defeat 10 bosses with 4 different weapon classes

Dungeoneering Expert

Reach level 35 in each dungeon

The Enchanter

Enchant an Item

The Merchant

Sell 50 items

0.00% (0.00)
Grate Protector

Catch Peronto’s Cheesehead of the Emerald Bay.

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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