Home Videogiochi Guide Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn | Trofei

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn | Trofei

Hero of the Coalition trophy
Obtain all other trophies

God Killer trophy
Defeat [Story Boss 1].

Truth Hurts trophy
Defeat [Story Boss 2].

A Life Left Behind trophy
Defeat [Story Boss 3].

Free At Last trophy
Defeat [Story Boss 4].

Full Metal trophy
Find all three pieces of a single armor set.

Thicker than Blood trophy
Complete the Cerith family saga.

Headhunter trophy
Kill 20 enemies with a headshot.

Malediction trophy
Apply three different status effects onto a single enemy at the same time.

Top of the Class trophy
Purchase a skill from the top row of the skill tree.

Rift Finder trophy
Activate 20 skulls.

Sure Beats Walking trophy
Activate 50 skulls.

Cataclysm Averted trophy
Defeat all Revenants.

A Place to Call Home trophy
Free all Hamlets.

Leadership Vacuum trophy
Defeat all Bandit Leaders.

Fully Furnished trophy
Fully upgrade your Campsite.

Impostor Syndrome trophy
Defeat the dark version of you.

Rift Rider trophy
Maintain Rift travel without entering a rift for 60 secs.

Massacre trophy
Kill 5 enemies within 2 seconds.

Ruffled trophy
Find all Enki feathers.

Axe to a Gun Fight trophy
Deflect ten bullets back at enemies.

A Shot of Espresso trophy
Shoot your gun in a Coffee Shop.

Good Things Come in Threes trophy
Win three games of Sebo in a row against different opponents.

Mistakes Were Made trophy
Die ten times.

Small Mercies trophy
Find all Shrines of Inaya.

Cutting Edge trophy
Fully upgrade a sharp melee weapon.

Blunt Instrument trophy
Fully upgrade a blunt melee weapon.

Full Arsenal trophy
Collect all firearms.

Never Outgunned trophy
Fully upgrade a primary firearm.

Forgemaster’s Favor trophy
Fully upgrade a helmet.

Let Them Cook trophy
Fully upgrade one of your grenades.

Land Surfer trophy
Slide down a hill for 5 seconds.

Red Flag trophy
Shoot down all enemy banners.

A Name for Yourself trophy
With a single claim convert at least 1,000 battle experience into Reputation.

A Battle to Remember trophy
With a single claim convert at least 15,000 battle experience into Reputation.

War Hero trophy
With a single claim convert at least 50,000 battle experience into Reputation.

Ahead Of Its Time trophy
Fully upgrade a secondary firearm.

Kit Inspection trophy
Change your trousers and jacket.

The Home Front trophy
Complete all side quests.

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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