Home Videogiochi Guide Life is Strange Double Exposure | Trofei

Life is Strange Double Exposure | Trofei

Picture Perfect trophy
Collected all trophies in Life is Strange: Double Exposure

Split Decision trophy
Completed Chapter 1: Still Life

A Trick of the Light trophy
Found all photos in Chapter 1

Bullet, Proof trophy
Completed Chapter 2: Penumbra

Further Developments trophy
Found all photos in Chapter 2

Face to Facade trophy
Completed Chapter 3: Spin

Selfie Care trophy
Found all photos in Chapter 3

Fade to White trophy
Completed Chapter 4: Diptych

Picture Taking trophy
Found all photos in Chapter 4

Tempest Fugit trophy
Completed Chapter 5: Decoherence

Viewfinding trophy
Found all photos in Chapter 5

Archival Footage trophy
Found all photos in Life is Strange: Double Exposure

Commencement trophy
Finished Life is Strange: Double Exposure

Bay or Bae trophy
Played through Life is Strange: Double Exposure with both outcomes from Life is Strange

Art Restoration trophy
Fixed all the paintings

Loyal Flush trophy
Helped timid guy get to the bathroom

Home Sweet Home trophy
Helped Moses finish the gingerbread house

The Mail Gaze trophy
Retrieved the package for Vinh

Frame Fatale trophy
Took all possible photos

A Nice Girl Who Runs a Bar trophy
Romanced only Amanda

Only Eyes for the Bad Boy trophy
Romanced only Vinh

Romantically Disentangled trophy
Romanced neither Amanda nor Vinh

It’s Complicated trophy
Romanced both Amanda and Vinh

Be Great, Do Crime! trophy
Committed the crimes

Clutterbug trophy
Found everything to decorate Hellerton with

Thirst Trip trophy
Watered both plants

Page Turner trophy
Read all staff books

Patronizing (The Good Kind) trophy
Interacted with everyone’s project

Clue Me In trophy
Collected all possible clues for the evidence box

Thinking Outside the Box trophy
Solved the puzzle box

Favor Saver trophy
Never cashed in your favor from Vinh

Putting the “Cap” in “Caper” trophy
Successfully slipped Safi the bottle cap

Platypus Genius trophy
Read all messages from Platypus Facts

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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