Home Videogiochi Guide [Lista Trofei] Alone in the Dark

[Lista Trofei] Alone in the Dark

Alone in the Dark

All Achievements

The Thin Veneer of Civilization

Break through a barrier

Whatever It Takes

Kill a monster with an opportunity

Come At Me!

Kill a monster with a melee weapon

Now You’re On the Trolley!

Kill a monster with a ranged weapon

On the Mend

Put a talisman socket back together

I Don’t Got All Night

Finish the game in 3 hours or less

An Honest Day’s Work

Play for more than 8 hours

Welcome to Derceto

Break into Derceto

In Between There Are Doors

Find your own talisman

Left Holding the Bag

Find Jeremy’s bag

Found and Lost

Talk to Jeremy in the chapel

Somewhere Else Entirely

Find the Convent of Taroella

Drop Me Off In New Orleans

Escape the Dark Man

Losing My Mind

Walk into the desert

Where I Belong

Return to Derceto

I Abandoned Him

Own up to your awful past

I Stole the Child and Let Him Drown

Own up to your awful past

When Therapy Makes It Worse

Break through the barriers of self-deceit

The Past as a Present

Get what you want


Enter hell

Back to Normal

Break the Pact with the Dark Man

Case Closed

Save New Orleans from the Black Goat

Safe and Sound

Save New Orleans from the Black Goat

Don’t Mind If I Do

Finish a Lagniappe set

Watch Out Where You’re Waving That Thing

Aim your gun at a human being

What Just Happened?

Give Grace a present

Nobody Knows What Happened

Consider ending it all

Radical Acceptance

Submit to the Dark Man

One of the Thousand Young

Join a cult

Bonfire Night

Kill an enemy with fire

Hard Boiled

Kill an enemy with shotgun


Kill an enemy with Tommy gun

You Can’t Keep Me Out!

Open all of the safes and locks in the game


Talk to everybody about everything

Look At All the Free Stuff I Got!

Find all the lagniappes


Finish the game without drinking from your flask


Read all the clues

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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