Home Videogiochi Guide [Lista Trofei] Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

[Lista Trofei] Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Master Banishers trophy
Unlock all trophies

Cases Closed trophy
Solve all the Haunting Cases of New Eden

Death is a journey trophy
Successfully bring Antea back to life

Farewell my love trophy
Successfully give Antea her ascent

A Promise made trophy
Take your Oath

Final Promise trophy
Reaffirm your Oath

Reunion trophy
Find Antea

No more Beast trophy
Defeat the Beast

Broken Puppet trophy
Defeat the Puppeteer

Injustice For All trophy
Defeat the Infamy

Old moss-head trophy
Defeat Aul’ Saul

Nazuka no more trophy
Defeat Calendre

The Curse is lifted trophy
Defeat the Nightmare

Rose’s fate trophy
Choose the destiny of Thickskin

Burden of Command trophy
Choose the destiny of Captain Pennington

Judged Jury trophy
Choose the destiny of Fairefax Haskell

Teacher’s Pet trophy
Find 15 Bibles for Hugh Batcheler

American Vampyr trophy
Find the old writings by the Brotherhood of Saint Paul’s Stole

Second Death trophy
Defeat the Specter of a banisher ghost in the Void

Hidden Door trophy
Unlock the secret passage in Bligh Manor

Until a cure is found trophy
Freeze 5 enemies in a single encounter

Counterattack trophy
Defeat 3 enemies with a post parry attack in a single encounter

Right on Target trophy
Defeat 5 enemies with a weakspot hit (Rifle) in a single encounter

Outburst trophy
Defeat 3 enemies with a single Outburst

Float like a Butterfly trophy
Defeat 8 enemies in a single encounter without being hit

A Farmer’s Life trophy
Complete the same Ritual site 10 times (intensity level 10)

Banishing Move trophy
Defeat 50 enemies with a Banishment

Soulmates trophy
Defeat 50 enemies while Fusion is active

Teamwork trophy
Defeat at least 4 enemies with Red and at least 4 enemies with Antea in a single encounter

Gimme Shelter trophy
Activate all Shelters in New Eden

Demolition Man trophy
Destroy 300 destructibles

Locksmith trophy
Unlocked all locked chests in New Eden

Cursed Locksmith trophy
Unlock all cursed chests in New Eden

Raider trophy
Complete all Haunted Grounds of New Eden

Bookworm trophy
Collect all Collectibles in New Eden

The Good Hunter trophy
Find 50 Soul Grabbers in New Eden

Prospector trophy
Complete all treasure maps

Unlimited Power trophy
Upgrade an item

Bring it on! trophy
Equip 8 items at rank 7 (Relic) at the same moment

A Perfect Tool trophy
Upgrade an item at rank 7 (Relic)

Round Figure trophy
Collect 10 000 Pieces of Eight

Catch ‘Em All trophy
Collect all 88 available equipments

Full Potency trophy
Reach level 25

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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