[Lista Trofei] Koa

You got it!

You got it!

Piece of cake

Complete the tutorial

It’s dangerous to go alone without a map, take this!

Unlock the first map

Rediscovering Mara

Unlock a small map

Queens of the sea

Unlock every map in the game

Napopo pole dance

Get the first sunken treasure

Napopo Cousteau

Get all the sunken treasures

Walker, there is no path, the path is made in walking

Meet Onzo five times

This is fun, right?

Beat Taima in the race

Anger issues

Escape from Ereti in the Navy

Relaxing cannons

Beat Mr. Ecco

Playing with powerful and ancestral creatures

Complete the Mahla Temples

Face… a giant out-of-control robot?!

Beat the Colossus

Nothing dangerous about this

Reach the peak of the Black Volcano

Anti-fracking action against oil companies

Deactivate Elit Station

The power of words

Complete Grant Loom’s Lair

I’m not mad, nope

Win a race against the pirate apprentices

Fast and furious

Win every race against the pirate apprentices

Beginner level

Get a gold medal

Professional level

Get 15 gold medals

Molty level

Get every gold medal

Trash is valuable!

Find your first collectible

Trash is cut and ready to use

Find every piece of fabric


Find every pearl

Trash. Definitely trash

Find every piece of plastic

The trash is really grinding my gears

Find every gear

Pimp my boat

Buy an upgrade for the boat

What would Yaya say if she saw this

Buy every upgrade for the boat

Looking for a new style

Buy a t-shirt for Koa

Fashion victim

Buy all the t-shirts

Looking for a new style (for Napopo)

Buy a backpack for Koa

Napopo fashion victim

Buy all the backpacks

We have to support the economy, kid!

Buy a Qälis expansion

Everything as it was

Buy all the Qälis expansions

Essential requirement

Pet the dog

Back to the beginning

Go up to your roof on Home Island

We have to take care of the sea (says Noho)!

Dump the trash in a frog container

Whale in sight!

Catch all 5 whales in the sea

Shipwreck Loot

Find all 25 barrels in the sea

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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