Home Videogiochi Guide [Lista Trofei] The Lord of the Rings: Gollum

[Lista Trofei] The Lord of the Rings: Gollum

Annunciato nel marzo 2019, The Lords of the Rings: Gollum è il nuovo titolo ispirato alla celebre serie di romanzi scritti da J.R.R. Tolkien e che, come ci suggerisce il nome del gioco, si incentrerà interamente sul personaggio di Gollum, l’hobbit corrotto dal potere dell’Anello di Sauron.


River Hobbit

Dived a total distance of 2000 metres.


You looked at all interactibles in Gollum’s cave.

Welcome to Mordor!

You’ve died for the first time in Barad-dûr.

And now we wish…

…to catch a fish, so juicy-sweet.

We wants it! We needs it!

All Gollum choices.

Good Sméagol!

All Sméagol choices.

The Wraith

You finished Chapter 1.

The Maggot

You finished Chapter 2.

The Breeder

You finished Chapter 3.

The Veteran

You finished Chapter 4.

The Traitor

You finished Chapter 5.

The Spider

You finished Chapter 6.

Good as Fish

You finished Chapter 7.

Her Eyes

You finished Chapter 8.


You finished Chapter 9.

The Friend

You finished Chapter 10.

He’s so Annoying

You got the Grashneg trampled, drowned, and eaten.

Collectibles Part 1

One Collectible down.

Collectibles Part 2

You found 20 Collectibles.

Rule them all!

Well done. You found all those useless things.


You threw 50 stones.

Ss ss ss…

You stole food from Mell’s table.

Nervous Hands

You completed the “Halls of Grond” without taking damage.

So Tasty!

You found all food items at the bell tower.

Sweet Darkness

Turn off 10 lanterns.

Made a Song

You rang all the bells at the bell tower.


You killed 10 Orcs.


You discovered all vantage points.

Wait! Wait! Not yet!

You fell into lava.

Like Flying…

You fell for a distance of 40 meters and survived.

How Did You Do That?

You completed the game without dying.


You saved the Cook, the Elf guards, and the Riddlemaster.

We Hates Them!

The Cook, the Elf guards, and the Riddlemaster all died.

Master of the Old Game

You played the entire riddle game with Mell.

So Silly!

You turned Riddlemaster’s painting seven times.

Break a Leg!

You jumped from the bell towers at the waterfalls three times.

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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