Home Videogiochi Guide [Lista Trofei] Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

[Lista Trofei] Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty rappresenta l’ultima fatica di Team Ninja, studio responsabile di progetti importanti del calibro di NiOh e Ninja Gaiden. Fin dal suo annuncio, il titolo ambientato nella Cina Feudale ha saputo rapire buona parte della community, grazie anche all’ormai rodato genere di appartenenza, ossia il soulslike.

Il gioco è previsto per il prossimo 2 marzo 2023 su console e PC (e sarà incluso dal Day one su Game Pass).

Recentemente sono stati resi noti i trofei dedicati al titolo (che ricalcheranno gli obiettivi presenti su console Microsoft).

Nota: la lista è attualmente disponibile solo in lingua inglese. Non appena sarà disponibile la lista in lingua italiana, aggiorneremo la guida.

Wo Long
Unlocked all trophies.

Ambition of the Tiger
Swore an oath with Sun Jian.

Aspiration of Amity
Swore an oath with Liu Bei.

Awakening of the Unscrupulous Hero
Swore an oath with Cao Cao.

Dreams of Unity
Swore an oath with Yuan Shao.

Entrusted Legacy
Swore an oath with Lu Bu.

Familial Ties
Swore an oath with Hong Jing.

Fearless Warriror
Swore an oath with Zhang Liao.

Guardian of Peace
Swore an oath with Zuo Ci.

Guidance of the Constellations
Swore an oath with Lady Zhen.

Swore an oath with Sun Ce and Sun Quan.

The Steadfast Duo
Swore an oath with Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan.

Vow of the Stalwart
Swore an oath with Zhao Yun.

Will of the Loyal
Swore an oath with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Annihilator of Evil
Defeated Yu Ji.

Dogged Justice
Saved the captured Hermits in “Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch.”

Heroes Will Rise
Repelled Xielong in “Centuries of Glory Burried Away.”

Staunching Heresy
Defeated all Warlocks performing the ritual in “The Valley of Crying Wraiths.”

Strung Bow
Defeated 5 foes with a ballista in “The Battle of Hulaguan Pass.”

At Fifteen I Joined the Army
Reached Level 15.

Only at Eighty Did I Finally Return
Reached Level 80.

Mightiest of Men
Repelled Lu Bu’s forces.

Journey’s Beginning
Awakened from the sleep of death at the sound of the Blindfolded Boy’s voice.

Merit beyond Measure
Received a sworn brothers’ boon for the first time.

Open Eyes
Heard the Blindfolded Boy’s decision.

All That Glitters
Embedded your first jewel at the Forge.

Upgraded your first piece of equipment.

Decor Maketh the Man
Decorated your first item at the Forge.

Upgraded a piece of armor to its fullest capacity.

Upgraded a weapon to its fullest capacity.

Fantastic Form
Equipped a full 4 star set consisting of: melee weapon, ranged weapon, accessory, and 4 armor pieces.

Gave a certain someone the maximum amount of Golden Cicada Shells.

Dominated 15 sub battlefields.

Call to Arms
Used 10 Tiger Seals.

Eye for an Eye
Fended off invaders 10 times.

Righteous Judgment
Exacted vengeance 10 times.

Sharp Reflexes
Successfully deflected 10 critical blows.

Side by Side
Dominated 10 battlefields with a companion.

Vulnerable Moments
Landed 50 Fatal Strikes.

Raised Morale Rank to 20 for the first time.

First Phase
Interacted with the Five Phases for the first time.

Pots and Potions
Upgraded the Dragon’s Cure Pot to its greatest capacity and effectiveness.

Hunting the Great Deer
Dominated all main and sub battlefields.

Best Flag Forward
Raised your first Battle Flag.

Fly It High
Raised all Battle Flags.

Great Gatherings
Joined forces with all available warriors.

How Cute!
Fed your first Shitieshou.

How Precious!
Fed all of the Shitieshou.

Collected all tablets.

Wizardry Beginner
Learned your first Wizardry Spell.

Wizardry Master
Learned all Wizardry Spells.

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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