Home Videogiochi Guide Son and Bone | Trofei

Son and Bone | Trofei

Lost to the Winds of Time and Space

Unlock all trophies.

Welcome to the Jungle Cowboy

Complete level 1

I think there’s a Snake in my Boot

Complete level 2

Operation Dino-Overlord

Complete level 3

This Maze is Wicked

Complete level 4

Mad Samson

Complete level 5

Cowboy VS Aliens

Complete level 6

Time Traveling Cowboy

Complete the game on any difficulty

I need more Guns

Find all standard weapons

Judgement Day

Judgement kill 50 enemies

You yee’d your last Haw

Kill 300 enemies


Blow off 200 limbs

All that running is good for your Buns and Thighs

Upgrade a stat on Sam

Yeah, Buns and Thighs

Upgrade all stats for Sam

Hey there Puppy

Defeat the Vrontisaurus Rex

Come at me Spikey

Defeat the Elosaurus Genitrix

No more Parting Waters for you

Defeat the Mosasaurus

I’m gettting Hungry looking at those Wings

Defeat the Tyfonasaurus

I thought this was a Dinosaur Game?

Defeat the Drakosaurus Rex

You belong in a Museum

Defeat the Collector

I’m feelin’ Ducky

Find all Ducks


Launch a grenade into a T-Rex’s mouth

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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