Obtained all trophies.
Watched the opening scene.
Brought all 7 main characters together.
Obtained the water-attuned Singing Shard.
Obtained the fire-attuned Singing Shard.
Obtained the air-attuned Singing Shard.
Witnessed the appearance of the new continent.
Acquired a stance for the first time.
Acquired all stances.
Defeated Cherubim.
Sold a map for the first time.
Filled out 100% of one map.
Filled out 100% of all maps.
Entered the Kitty Clan’s homeland for the first time.
Unlocked the band.
Won a battle for the first time!
Won 500 battles!
Won 2000 battles!
Won 5000 battles!
Traded for the first time.
Traded 50 times.
Traded 100 times.
Purchased a special item from the shop for the first time.
Completed the story without having spoken to Coco in the Bottomless Pit.
Completed the story without having used the inn or a camp.
Completed Meurs’ story.
Completed Bianca’s story.
Completed Liber’s story.
Completed Garnet’s story.
Completed Owen’s story.
Completed Eloise’s story.
Completed Filmia’s story.
Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.
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