Home Videogiochi Guide The Plucky Squire | Trofei

The Plucky Squire | Trofei

Get all trophies

Get all trophies

Story Complete

Complete the Story Mode.

Adventure Complete

Complete the Adventure Mode.

Saviour of the Glitchbirds

Rescue all Glitchbirds.

Art Collector

Find all Art Scrolls.

Powerful Jot

Fully upgrade Jot’s abilities.

Powerful Puncher

Defeat the Honey Badger in a boxing match.

Metal Warrior

Defeat the Mega Eagle.

Mighty Witch

Defeat the Mage.



Triumphant Squire

Defeat the nefarious sorceror Humgrump.

Huge Frog

Rearrange a sentence to make the little frog huge.

Huge Bridge

Rearrange a sentence to make the bridge huge.

Bust Buster

Rearrange a sentence to blow up Humgrump’s bust.

Cheese Mushrooms

Rearrange a sentence to make some cheese mushrooms.

Cheese Pillar

Rearrange a sentence to make a cheese pillar.

The Joy Of Art

Find an Art Scroll.

Cute Little Glitchbird

Find a Glitchbird.

Perfect Fish Grab

Catch Floatio on your first try.

Optimistic Explorer

Try jumping off the desk. Worth a go.

Star Walker

Retrieve the scroll from the top of the star projector.

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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