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Home Videogiochi News Trapela la lista trofei di LEGO Marvel’s Avengers

Trapela la lista trofei di LEGO Marvel’s Avengers

Il sito PSNProfiles ha pubblicato in anteprima la lista trofei di LEGO Marvel’s Avengers, titolo che uscirà il prossimo 26 gennaio per PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, mobile e tablet, e del quale potete trovare qui la nostra anteprima.

Di seguito potete trovare la lista completa dei trofei in inglese.

Peace In Our Time: Collect all other trophies (Platinum)

Struck Off The List: Complete ‘Struck Off The List’ (Bronze)

A Loki Entrance: Complete ‘A Loki Entrance’ (Bronze)

Rail Hydra: Complete ‘Rail Hydra’ (Bronze)

Shakespeare In The Park: Complete ‘Shakespeare In The Park’ (Bronze)

Helicarrier Havoc: Complete ‘Helicarrier Havoc’ (Bronze)

Avengers Assemble: Complete ‘Avengers Assemble’ (Bronze)

Earth’s Mightiest: Complete ‘Earth’s Mightiest’ (Bronze)

Lack Of Insight: Complete ‘Lack Of Insight’ (Bronze)

Ready, A.I.M., Fire: Complete ‘Ready, A.I.M., Fire’ (Bronze)

Lost In The Aether: Complete ‘Lost In The Aether’ (Bronze)

No Strings On Me: Complete ‘No Strings On Me’ (Bronze)

Anger Management: Complete ‘Anger Management’ (Bronze)

Korea Prospects: Complete ‘Korea Prospects’ (Bronze)

Rise of Ultron: Complete ‘Rise of Ultron’ (Bronze)

Ultron Undone: Complete ‘Ultron Undone’ (Bronze)

Always Angry: Transform from Banner to Hulk (Bronze)

True Avenger: Achieve True Avenger in any level (Bronze)

You Asked For It: Stop 10 random crimes in Manhattan during a single session (Gold)

I’ll Do It Myself: Witness the 100% Stud Fountain inside Avengers Tower (Gold)

On Your Left: Play as any version of Falcon and as any version of Cap, while in Washington D.C. (Bronze)

Warriors Three: Play as Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg in one sitting (Bronze)

A Startling Metamorphosis: Transform from Lou Ferrigno to Hulk (Lou Ferrigno) (Bronze)

Born Yesterday: Play as Vision – both playable characters (Bronze)

House Party Protocol: Play as every Iron Man variant in one session (Silver)

A Funny Thing Happened: Drive Lola as Agent Coulson (Bronze)

Young Avengers: Play as: Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Hulkling, Wiccan, America Chavez, and Speed in the same session (Silver)

Beyond: Play as Aldrich Killian: die and respawn (Bronze)

Globe Trotter: Visit all hub locations (Bronze)

Create a Super Hero: Create a custom character (Silver)

Giant-Sized MARVEL: Grow Ant-Man, Black Goliath, and Fin Fang Foom in one sitting (Bronze)

We’re Connected: Play as Harley Keener and Tony Stark in any level other than level 9 (Bronze)

Fast And The Fury Us: Team-up Nick Fury and Quicksilver (Bronze)

I Am Iron Stan: Transform into Stan Lee (Hulkbuster) (Gold)

A Magical Place: Playing as Coulson: die and respawn (Bronze)

Stiff Upper Lip: Play as Captain Britain, Union Jack, Spitfire, Agent Carter, and Mandarin (Trevor Slattery) (Bronze)

Over The Moon: Play as Moon Knight, Moondragon, Moon Boy in one session (Bronze)

Defenders: Play as Iron Fist, Daredevil, Jewel (Jessica Jones), and Luke Cage (Bronze)

Perfect Pannapictagraphist: Unlock and view all 15 Minikit Comic Pages (Silver)

Going Knowhere: Turn on all Red Brick Extras at the same time (Silver)

Be Worthy: Create and play as a Custom Character equipped with Mjolnir (Gold)


Scritto da
Andrea "Geo" Peroni

Entra a contatto con uno strano oggetto chiamato "videogioco" alla tenera età di 5 anni, e da lì in poi la sua mente sarà focalizzata per sempre sul mondo videoludico. Fan sfegatato della serie Kingdom Hearts e della Marvel Comics, che mi divertono fin da bambino. Cacciatore di Trofei DOP.

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