Home Videogiochi Guide Visions of Mana | Trofei

Visions of Mana | Trofei

Visions of Mana

Earned all trophies.

That Fateful Day…

Complete the Prologue.

To the Mana Tree

Complete Chapter 1.

Capital of the Deep

Complete Chapter 2.

Faded Whispers

Complete Chapter 3.

Back with a Vengeance

Complete Chapter 4.

We’re Alm in This Together

Complete Chapter 5.

Guardian of the Sanctuary

Complete Chapter 6.

The Shattered Sword

Complete Chapter 7.

Where the Heart Lies

Complete Chapter 8.

Brave New Realm

Beat the game.

The Spawn of Calamity

Defeat Aeve Zalaha on Hard. You may change the difficulty setting midway.

Mythic Earthwalker

Call a pikul for the first time.

Prince of the Ocean

Call on Vuscav for the first time.

Sacred Beast

Fly on Flammie for the first time.


Earn at least 100,000 lucre in total.


Earn at least 500,000 lucre in total.

Seeds and Stones to Break Your Foes

Exchange corestones for an ability seed for the first time.

Keep the Change

Exchange corestones for ability seeds 30 times.

Latent Power

Unlock a move, ability, or attack from the elemental plot for the first time.

Partners with the Spirits

Max out one class’s elemental plot.

Linked with the Spirits

Expand an elemental plot for the first time.

Journeying with the Spirits

Fully expand the elemental plot of any character.

Blessed Vessels

Obtain an elemental vessel for the first time.

Bearer of Vessels

Obtain all elemental vessels.

Peerless Soul Guard

Unlock all of Val’s classes.

Peerless Wind Oracle

Unlock all of Careena’s classes.

Peerless Radiant Knight

Unlock all of Morley’s classes.

Peerless Water Queen

Unlock all of Palamena’s classes.

Peerless Wood Sprite

Unlock all of Julei’s classes.

In the Spirits’ Favor

Change classes for the first time.

Rabite Season

Defeat the Black Rabite.

Expert Exterminator

Defeat all Nemeses.

Eyes Like a Hawk

Fracture an enemy’s weak spot for the first time.


Receive 132 items through trading Grizzly Syrup.

Cactus Convoy

Meet Li’l Cactus for the first time.

Cactus Confidant

Find Li’l Cactus in all possible areas.

Wanderers of the World

Unlock all meridians.

Trial and Aerie

Complete a challenge at an Elemental Aerie for the first time.


Complete the challenges at all Elemental Aeries.

Vestiges of the Past

Discover all ancient ruins.

Know Thine Enemy

Complete all Bestiary entries.

Treasure Seeker

Open 100 treasure chests.

Where the Spirits Frolic

Find and gather elementite for the first time.

Elemental Odyssey

Find and gather elementite from all possible locations.

Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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