Home Videogiochi Guide Withering Rooms | Trofei

Withering Rooms | Trofei

Withering Rooms

All trophies acquired. Well done, Nightingale.


Kill something or someone.

The Craft

Craft your first item.


Reach Nowhere.

The Wrong Room

Enter the wrong room.


Earn your Initiate Outfit.


Complete a plot against the king.

Action Shot

Take a picture with 5 or more subjects in frame.


Kill 50 things in a single night.

Royal Aide

Do everything the king asks.

Surgeon’s Blood

Defeat a foe in the basement.

Guardian’s Blood

Defeat a foe in the hedge maze.

Instructor’s Blood

Defeat a foe on the upper balcony.

Old One’s Blood

Defeat a foe in the labyrinth.

Rider’s Blood

Defeat a foe to the east of the house.

Disciple’s Blood

Defeat a foe on the roof.

False King’s Blood

Defeat a foe in the valley.

Invader’s Blood

Defeat many foes in the cemetery.

Stalker’s Blood

Defeat a foe in the baths.

Spider’s Blood

Defeat a foe in the Blackett House.

Ending A

Achieve ending A.

Ending B

Achieve ending B.

Ending C

Achieve ending C.

Ending D

Achieve ending D.

Arena Champion

Complete all arena challenges.

Nightmare’s Blood

Defeat a foe in the entrance hall.

Beast’s Blood

Defeat a foe in the church.


Level up 40 times.

Night Mother’s Instruments

Obtain all the Night Mother’s Instruments.

Betrayer’s Blood

Defeat the final foe.

Idol Tainted Blood

Defeat a foe in the Cholera Clinic.

Starry Blood

Defeat a foe in Central Nowhere.


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Scritto da
Lorenzo Bologna

Appassionato di tutto ciò che concerne il mondo videoludico, sono un inguaribile amante dei titoli horror e un accumulatore compulsivo di trofei (meglio se di platino). Avvicinato al medium grazie a mamma Nintendo e papà Crash Bandicoot.

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